Thoughts on the Oprah Interview: “Women Food and God”

I watched the Oprah episode yesterday where Geneen Roth was interviewed on her book:  “Women Food and God”. Roth’s basic premise is to stop dieting and listen intuitively to our bodies to make the right choices in what we eat.  I appreciate the hope that Roth’s philosophy can instill in an chronically overweight person. All of us that have been overweight so long need something to grasp on to for dear life with hopes we will change.  The beauty of this idea is to stop counting and eliminating foods and calories, and to start living in the present. Pay attention to now, be conscious of what you are doing now. Then,  with the steps in her book, you can make this positive change in your life happen. How wonderful this makes me feel just to hear those words!

Geneen Roth answered questions in the Oprah Show audience regarding her book.  Almost all of the women with issues of not being able to control themselves mentioned sugary foods as their weakness.  When Geneen asked one woman what she was thinking about at the moment, she responded: “Cheesecake!” Another woman was frustrated her daughter asked for a dessert after a totally filling meal. Her daughter always craved some ice cream in the evening.  Then, a woman who video-journaled herself, showed herself after eating a huge restaraunt meal, was stuffed, but still fit in a sugary dessert, then felt and looked absolutely miserable.

There was no encouraging these women to find a high fiber, natural alternative to these refined sugar foods that they were craving.  Instead, they were told to enjoy and savor these foods. Have what you want.  I like the psychology behind not depriving yourself and making something sugary forbidden, but I don’t think this idea will work in the long run.  If you are sugar sensitive, the chemical hit you get from the sugary  foods the women craved is something that goes beyond just listening to yourself and telling yourself you are full, physcially or emotionally. It doesn’t matter if you are full, a sugar sensitive person will still desire a simple sugar food. 

Oprah had a good point about counting calories. When we do this, we can’t trust ourselves to just live and enjoy foods. That seems so true. I really thought about that. Is limiting sugar and calories a form of not trusting myself? I believe I have chemical and hormonal forces that keep me from making good decisions. If I control my portions and types of foods I eat, I feel empowered. At the same time, if I don’t control myself, I feel I’m human if I overeat.  Just keep on getting back on track.  So yes, maybe I don’t trust myself.  But limiting sugar, and the subsequent gradual need I have of binging on it from changing my diet, makes me feel good about myself.

I haven’t read the book yet, and I’m basing this review on the interview. I plan to read it. I always respect the opinion of someone who has been overweight, and made the weight loss happen, as Ms. Roth has. If someone has read this book or watched the interview and has found it helpful, please let me know.

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